Light of Hope appropriately serves patients in difficult financial circumstances and offers assistance to those who have an established need to receive pharmacy services. Above all, Light of Hope’s guiding philosophy is that the needs of the patient come first.
Light of Hope’s Mission
Provide the best care to
every patient every day
Through integrating its services with
access to pharmaceuticals.

What We Do
We assist our Patients with their holistic care through:
FREE HIV Testing
Case Management
Patient Consultations
Managed Care through our providers
STD testing for new and current patients.
Lab Work Assistance
We at Light of Hope are looking to grow our services to meet the needs of our local communities.
The vision of our Medical Director (Dr. Stephen Renae)
That our patients will grow with the program. We anticipate that with our holistic approach to their individual needs, this new found light and support can strengthen them emotionally, spiritually and physically. Bring new hope to a wonderful life. Together is better.
Want to learn more?